Wednesday, May 5, 2010


My life is divided right now.  I have been in the office the last few weeks 6 hours a day and am just getting back into the rhythm of "working".  It's not that I haven't been there for the last three weeks, it is just that I am finally getting my concentration and focus back.  Who knew you could lose that?  It's my role to drive the business forward and I finally feel like I am doing that again.  When I am home, we are getting back into our more normal routine of family dinners, and family things (like laundry!).

Weekends I have been devoting to getting into better shape.  During the week, I just don't have the energy to do both. This last weekend, we biked both mornings.  The first day I biked so slowly, I am surprised I didn't fall over.  And when I got home I had to lay on the floor and recover before showering.  Follow that up with a long Saturday afternoon walk.  Why was I so purposeful? The real answer was I wanted to try a huge FiveGuys cheeseburger and fries and couldn't in my mind justify the calories and splurging without a huge workout day to support it.  (The burger was great!)

Sunday morning, we were back on the bike and I felt better.  The answer is that it is always tough to get into shape, the cancer just makes it harder.  You have to want it.  And I do. My plan is to continue to alternate between during the week and weekends.  But everything is a little off plan today. 

Last night I had my first nightmare about having breast cancer and surgery.  I woke up crying this morning.   I am an optimist.  I have not had even one moment where I have doubted that this will be fine.  That I will make it.  That I will be cured of cancer.  But reliving the surgery in my dreams was terrifying.  It made today a little longer.  It made me a little more tired.  I struggled to get to work this morning.

I am looking forward and I will plan on more restful sleep for tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michele,
    Sounds like you are starting to get into a good routine for yourself. That is great!
    Reliving your surgery had to be a horrifying nightmare. Hopefully that won't happen again for you. Think of the pony and relaxing thoughts. I know that it is easier said than done at times.
    You have been amazingly optimistic and upbeat though out your posts even the ones when you were going through some terrible experiences.
    I beleive your outlook has helped you through all of this and will continue to help you returnn to 'normal' whatever that is. (I'm not sure there is such a thing as normal. It is just an ever evolving state.)
    Hang In there, Michele!
    Stay Strong & Take Care,
