How do you figure out which doctors to trust? It seems I need a whole team of doctors now. I need a surgeon, an oncologist, a radiation oncologist (who knew they were different?), a plastic surgeon (probably). Where do I start?
I talk to family and friends, who give me names. Two surgeons names kept popping up: Lori Hansen, and David P Winchester (and everyone said there are two David Winchesters, you want the father). I have been given their names through three channels at least. Lori Hansen is the senior surgeon at Lynn Sage Breast Center at Northwestern. David Winchester is the same at Evanston Hospital. One oncologist name popped up twice Dr. Gradishar at Northwestern. I need still need to find plastic surgeons. I read that you are supposed to talk to them before surgery.
I make appointments and ask questions. Who is charge? Who takes the lead in directing my care and decisions. My family friend (ok, practically my sister who is a doctor and knows this stuff) says the oncologist but I book an appointment with the oncologist and they don't even want to see me until 2 weeks after surgery. I hope that there is someone to guide me through this process.
Everyone is very nice. I have started questioning everyone on the phone. Medical records personnel, pathology personnel, appointment setting personnel, even the Humana person I wait on hold for. I keep asking, "how does this work? What happens on this appointment? How long does this take? What is the procedure for getting this? When does the doctor usually do surgery?"
I haven't met any of them yet. My surgical appointments start November 20th. Ken and I will go and try to figure out who to trust.
For now, Ken is awake, it is Sunday morning at 7 a.m., a beautiful clear blue sky, 53 degrees. We are going to go ride 25 miles down the lakefront. I love to ride in November in Chicago. There is something about the second hour, that smooth pedal stroke, riding in a big gear feeling like you are flying with the lake on one side and the gentle breeze.
My thoughts and love are with you